Nov 28, 2009

sooooooo kati is hassling me to write here but im not so good at blogs and also facebook chat has wruined my typing!!!!
we are still in santiago hanging out with the street dogs. yesterday we went to this end of year uni party thing it was just students drinking in the uni buttt way better than if it was australia, like instead of boring uni jerks it was interesting switched on people who actually have lives outside of study, and ambitions beyond money. and the uni is covered in crazy design and sweet graffiti and political postering shit, so good. we ate icecream and then a bird did a shit in it and then we ate some more.,
holy shit we went to this big violence against women march the other night there was like 2000 people,, but it was like EVERYONE, across every demographic it seemed. and the middleaged businessmen were just as angry as the 20 yr old girls.! .anyway after the march we got stuck with the worlds most boring guy who WOULDNT STOP TALKING to us. we said "ok we gotta go, bye" and walk away and then he´d follow us and keep talking bullshit bullshit like how japanese people are exactly the same as chilean people (wtf) and trying to teach kati japanese words after she told him she studied japanese for 7 years. so we ended up running away from him in the metro. but the best thing he told us was how he got MUGGED by three dogs!!!!!!! i couldnt stop laughing, like, did you give them your wallet?? he said that people trained the street dogs to rob people but i feel like he just got growled at or something, i mean how would the dogs know if you gave them real money, or you could just give them hotdogs, i mean it´s a stupid plan!! !!
the song She Wolf by shakira has been following me everywhere here!! like i heard it four times while we had stopover in Buenos Aires, i cant believe that´s the first fuckin thing i heard,,, and then yesterday someone was sitting near us playing it over n over on panpipes! argghh!!
there is a national presidential election happening here in about two weeks and im kinda obsessed, but maybe that is boring to talk about here..! buttt one of the guys, Marcos, his nickname is Meo because his initials are M.E.O., but in spanish the word meyo is slang for piss. heh heh. that´s totally the sort of shit i love learning about.

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